Buddhist Jokes You Want to Share

Why couldn’t the woke company fire the Buddhist?

Because he told them he identifies as anatta, meaning he cannot be pinned down with language in any way, and demanded that their use of pronouns respect that, and so he cannot be referred to in any way, including firing him.

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True Story: I once helped come up with a name for a friend who ordained:


It was meant to be a pun but also serious at the same time. I chose it because he was from California and previously liked Zen from old days when that was the only thing in Buddhism for America. He was a major promoter of Pa-Auk style Buddhism and the very first pa-auk usa retreats. He lasted 3 years and I wish him the best. Names like Santagavesaka or Nibbānagavesaka are quite similar, and have been used before. Gavesaka is a common compound suffix for names. I felt this name had a Koan-like feel to it. He disrobed, so it is available for anyone who wants it. :grinning:

suññata = emptiness
gavesaka = one who is searching


Beautiful name :slight_smile:

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