Sutta in pali to consider

‘‘na, bhikkhave, buddhaṃ vā dhammaṃ vā saṅghaṃ vā ārabbha davo kātabbo. Yo kareyya, āpatti dukkaṭassā’’

  • Tipiṭaka (Mūla) > Vinayapiṭaka > Pācittiyapāḷi > 7. Sekhiyakaṇḍaṃ
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Welcome to the forum. What is your opinion on this phrase?


Jokes are not appropriate. The thread in this forum titled “Buddhist Jokes You Want to Share” is a no go.


Yes, (ideally) jokes are not appropriate.
But the vinaya you quoted says not to joke/tease towards Buddha/Dhamma/Sangha.
Aren’t those two cases different?


Please post your direct complaint references and Robert and I will have a discussion. We cannot guarantee anything will be done, but we will discuss it. Likewise, it will be discussed here.
The jokes section was created by me to keep this group a little light considering we have heavy topics.

Please also introduce yourself. You have a lay name but perhaps you were a monk before?
Can you read pali?
How did you hear about our group?
What is your story on how you became in agreement with the general majority of the commentaries and abhidhamma as a means to explain the suttas and vinaya?

I guess some other words would be “about” or “be the subject”. Anyway, I was wondering what could count as a “Buddhist joke” if Buddha/Dhamma/Sangha are taken out. Unless there is a clear benefit, I think it is best to avoid jokes. It’s best Buddhism is not used that way to keep people entertained.

Did you mean posting under “Site Feedback”? If so, perhaps this thread can be moved there with title changed.

I think it is better to reconsider the value proposition the jokes section brings. I also think it is better that you self evaluate yourself to see if you stand against vinaya by starting such a section and contributing to it.

My focus is not regarding keeping it open or closing it. I would like to insist that you do a careful evaluation to see if it complies with Lord Buddha’s teaching and act accordingly. Letting others know about your reasoning would be better.

You should pick the jokes you think are wrong and quote them here.
Then tell why.
The very first funny item posted by myself, arises a wholesome mind on samsara, but it is also funny.
I will take note and ask my teachers here about it.

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Thank you for the clarification. Earlier, I wasn’t sure about what you wanted me to do.

The problem is not with the individual jokes being correct or wrong but with the use of jokes. We treat Buddha, Dhamma and Sanga as noble. Making jokes around the same isn’t appropriate then.

The first joke (posted by me) is a kid telling an old man. “Yes, I didn’t believe in reincarnation when I was your age too.”
What is wrong with this?
It is my belief that this promotes faith. It is humorous, but does not make fun of anything. It also reminds us that age has no bearing when we calculate samsara. We are all old, even when we are young.

Let us focus on this one particular “joke” . Please tell me what is wrong about this.
and how it goes against the Buddha Dhamma or Sangha… or makes fun of such gems.

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Venerable Bhante, jokes can surely be used to communicate ideas. So if you saw some meaning like what you say about your first joke, I don’t know for what sane reason I should refute it.

However as I said it is not about individual jokes being correct or wrong. If you ask me what is wrong with your first joke, that being an isolated joke is the problem. I should also state that you are the one who had posted it as a “joke”. If you now see it not as a joke, that’s a different matter then.

However your first one is mild. People create jokes in various ways. Sometimes it is by projecting a minor insignificant matter as a seriously significant matter. Sometimes it is the opposite of it. Sometimes it is by twisting words. Sometimes the word twisting can distort the original ideas. Take for example this sentence from the next joke: “The Buddha lives in Nibbana”. What’s the point here? Telling a lie and feel good about it?

It’s very easy that jokes can ultimately lead only to jokes and sometimes marked jokers. I don’t completely refuse jokes or teasing. But if they are used, they should be used vary carefully.

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