Are Buddhist Monks Allowed to Use Money?

Are Buddhist monks allowed to use money?

The short answer is that monks are definitely not allowed to even touch money for all traditions; Theravāda, Mahayāna, and Tibetan. However, it is very common for monks to not only accept money from lay people without shame, but they even encourage lay people to offer the money. Nevertheless, it is still a rule and there are heavy consequences if this becomes a lifetime habit and a wrong mode of livelihood. In the Theravāda, you are likely to find less than 2% of monks who follow such rules. While 2% seems like very little there might be over 5,000 monks who follow such rules world wide.

Which Rules Say Monks Cannot Use Money?

Novice Rules

Before a monk becomes a full monk, he is ordained as a novice monk (sāmaṇera). With this interim ordination, he is given the chance to practice the ten general rules of a bhikkhu without all of the details of the 227 rules, and the thousands of subvariations attached to those rules. There are only a mere 10 rules that one needs to take in order to become a sāmaṇera in all three traditions. The rules are listed below:

  1. Refrain from killing living things.
  2. Refrain from stealing.
  3. Refrain from unchastity (This precept is very broad as Abrahmacariya).
  4. Refrain from lying.
  5. Refrain from taking intoxicants.
  6. Refrain from taking food at inappropriate times (after noon).
  7. Refrain from singing, dancing, playing music or attending entertainment programs (performances).
  8. Refrain from wearing perfumes, cosmetics and garlands (decorative accessories).
  9. Refrain from sitting on high chairs and sleeping on luxurious, soft beds.
  10. Refrain from accepting money (literally gold and silver, but explained as anything that is used for commerce or trade).

The Ten Precepts are sometimes considered a summary of the most important precepts of the monastic monks and nuns of Theravada Buddhism.

These training rules are observed by novice monks and nuns. They are derived from the 8 precepts by splitting the precept concerning entertainments into two parts and by adding one rule prohibiting the handling of money.

A fully ordained monk (bhikkhu) observes the 227 rules of the bhikkhu Patimokkha; a fully ordained nun (bhikkhuni) would observe the 311 rules of the bhikkhuni Patimokkha.

As you can see, it is the tenth rule where one is expected not to use money. Originally that word in the Pāḷi is actually gold and silver, but the commentaries explain that it is anything used in business or trade, even shells:

jātarūparajatapaṭiggahaṇā veramaṇī.
Abstention from receiving gold, silver, or money.”

The novice follows the single rule on money in order to prepare for the more complex rules related to money after he fully ordains as bhikkhu. The rules regarding money are NP 10, NP 18, NP 19, NP 20. The most direct rule is NP 18 which is nearly the same as the rule above, but spelled out in more detail.

583. ‘‘Yo pana bhikkhu jātarūparajataṃ uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā upanikkhittaṃ vā sādiyeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiya’’nti.

‘If a monk takes money, has someone else take, or consents to gold and silver being deposited for him, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.’”

Story to the rule NP 18

The story of the rule comes from a family that wanted to give meat to a monk. However during the previous night, their child cried for meat and they needed to give it to the child instead. When they saw the monk, they told him the story and then asked what they could buy him with one coin. He said that it would be better to give him the coin instead of buying something for him. It was later told to the Buddha. The Buddha called the monk a fool for destroying the faith of lay people. What happens to your faith when you see monks in a shop buying their own food? Most of the story is given below:

What can we get you for a kahāpaṇa?”

“Are you giving up a kahāpaṇa coin for me?”


“Then just give me that kahāpaṇa.”

After giving a kahāpaṇa to Upananda, that man complained and criticized him, “The Sakyan monastics accept money just as we do.”

(The Buddha was told about this and summoned the bhikkhu involved and said,)

“saccaṃ kira tvaṃ, upananda, rūpiyaṃ paṭiggahesī”ti?
“Is it true, Upananda, that you did this?”

“Saccaṃ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṃ, moghapurisa, rūpiyaṃ paṭiggahessasi.
“Foolish man, how could you accept money?

Netaṃ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṃ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṃ sikkhāpadaṃ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu jātarūparajataṃ uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā upanikkhittaṃ vā sādiyeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyan”ti.
‘If a monk takes, has someone else take, or consents to gold and silver being deposited for him, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.’”


The other rules are NP10, NP19, NP20.

NP10 deals with “robe funds” and covers the rules about how many times a monk is allowed to use a helper (kappiya). It also explains that kappiyas should not be pointed out unless a lay person asks the monk in a proper way. In modern days, this would prohibit monastery websites written by monks that have “How to Donate” information that points to a lay person’s bank account, etc.

NP 19 covers monetary exchange while NP 20 covers trading. As you can see there are many angles covered for this simple rule of not using money.

These rules are rules of forfeiture and confession rules. Not only is the money not allowed for monks to touch, or use, but the items that are bought with this money are also not allowed. These items must be forfeited along with a confession. Unless that is done, the monk accumulates countless kammic consequences during the time of possession, especially when using such items, like an unallowable phone or computer, etc. bought with his own money.

Why does it affect all of saṅgha and not just the offender?

Perhaps you have donated food to the community (saṅgha) of monks before. When doing so, you simply donate one tray of food to a single monk and he then puts it on the table for all other monks to take from. It is considered “offered” for all of the monks in the monastery once a single monk properly accepts the food tray. In this way, just as a monk can make food allowable for all of saṅgha, a monk can make something unallowable for all monks. If a monk has unallowable items because of purchases made with his own money, then these items are also unallowable. By holding all monks responsible for a single monk’s actions, it prevents the community of monks from appointing a monk to accept money on their behalf to make things allowable. If you look at the rule again, it also covers even a lay person to accept on a monk’s behalf. It is true that there are lay committees who accept money, but the monk needs to be very careful not to get involved with donations of money. This is covered in NP10. There are protocols of speech that one must use when dealing with helpers and connecting them with donors. There is only a thin line between the two and when it is crossed, the whole donation can be made unallowable for the whole of saṅgha.

Resident monks who use money often give a small portion of their gains back to the monastery, or they build an entirely new monastery from such gains. If you do the math, 98% of monks use money and therefore, the majority of the monasteries in the world are not allowable.

Diversion of Gains

A monk who knowingly takes something meant for one purpose and diverting it to himself can result in an offense of defeat (pārājika). If this happens, the monk is automatically disrobed without a trial. If he continues to wear robes, he is still not a monk. There are times when large amounts of money are given to the community of monks. If the monk takes just a little percentage illegally for himself, larger than $100, he can easily be defeated.

Giving Cash Without Specification

However, there are some loopholes that you might not know about. If you give cash to a monk thinking it is for the monastery, but you do not specifically say it is for the monastery, that monk is able to do with that money as he chooses. He can buy a new phone, computer, or even a new car with that money. Most monks drive their own cars in the United States. If you give cash and it is not specified, it is legally his to do as he chooses despite what you mentally thought would happen. The monk might be quite honest and do this, thinking it is for him even though you did not want it for himself. Therefore, if you are one who gives cash to monks, it is best to say what it is for when giving. However, giving cash to a monk is not allowed and it is unwholesome. It is best to ask, “Is there a person who looks after your needs?” If he says, “No” you might volunteer to be that person.

Giving Cash For Saṅgha

If during the cash-giving process you say, “This is for Saṅgha.”, that is different from saying, “This is for the General Fund of the Monastery.” When you give to Saṅgha, you are not giving to the monastery. You are giving to the group of monks for them to share with each other individually. Let’s suppose there are 4 monks in the monastery. A donation of $1000 that is specified as “For Saṅgha” can be split 4 ways for personal use between the 4 monks. None of that money needs to go to the monastery to pay for electricity or construction, etc. If the receiving monk does not share with the other monks, he is defeated and disrobed. Because it is standard to say, “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi” (I give to the Saṅgha) for most donations, there could easily be problems where it gets split between monks rather than building a pagoda. While personal checks usually have a specific purpose written on them, bank account transfers might not specify the intended purpose. This is where big misuse can arise. Do not assume a bank account number is specific to a monastery. In Asia, it is often a personal bank account number.

Bleeding Pagodas

A Buddhist philanthropist once told me about Bleeding Pagodas. This is when a monastery or monk has a very large project that somehow never gets finished. While one might suspect that the monk siphons money out of the project, it might be more likely that the lay people just donate small donations of cash into the monk’s hands without specifying, “This is for the pagoda.” In this case, the majority of the money is legally his to do with as he chooses. It might seem like he is stealing, but he believes it is his if nothing is specified.

Offenses and Kamma

All money is actually unallowable for monks. All items bought with the money are unallowable (for life). When I say “legally his”, that means, he is not guilty of stealing but the offense and kamma of using money remains. The monk cannot make progress in meditation for as long as he has an offense that is not resolved. It should be noted that some offenses last only a short amount of time while others are ongoing. Let’s say a monk lies. His offense lasts only for that time he told the lie. It is one single offense. He might resolve the offense by confessing and then he is “pure” again (although the bad kamma still always remains). Another example might be a monk who eats in the afternoon or evening. During the 20 minutes of eating, the monk is continually making repeated new offenses and kamma. He is continually accumulating bad kamma for 20 minutes. He can confess, and then he is “pure”. However, the bad accumulated kamma remains. Nothing can remove the results of bad kamma as long as one is still roaming saṃsāra, even if one is enlightened.2

With money, there is an offense every moment one holds the money, or uses the money. If he buys a pen, there is an offense for every moment he owns the pen, holds the pen, uses the pen. The ink from that pen also makes the “clean” paper unallowable. If a monk buys a nail, and that nail gets used to hang a picture on the wall of a monastery building, the whole wall and the whole monastery building becomes unallowable. While a nail seems like splitting hairs, it is all the same for any renovation which is more likely. Over time, the walls will be painted, the floors refinished, etc. It is usually something like that rather than a nail. If the monk confesses, while the items still remain as unallowable, his confession is never complete. He is not “pure”, plus he is still accumulating bad kamma. It might not be a lot of kamma, but because it happens continuously, it adds up just like the drops of rain fill the rivers, streams and flow into the oceans.

If 98% of the monks use money, none of this kamma or purity really matters to them…or not enough to make them stop. All monks who use a monastery that was made unallowable with nails, repairs, renovations or even full property purchases will get an offense for using the monastery. This is one of the reasons why monks who follow all of the 227 bhikkhu rules rarely live together with those who do not care about the Buddha’s rules for bhikkhus. One case where cohabitation is possible is the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University I went to in 2016. Because the university was owned by the government, the buildings were allowable even if a monk hung a picture with a nail he bought. When I went to America, I lived in tents rather than living in unallowable monasteries. Nearly all of the monasteries in America besides a select few are not allowable. It would have been far easier to visit any of the 200-300 Theravāda monasteries in the USA than to live in a tent. There are at least four or five such unallowable Theravāda monasteries in Hawai’i, but they are all useless to me. That was why I lived in a tent. When you support such unallowable monasteries, you are supporting places that are only suitable for monks who do not care about the rules.

What did the Buddha think of using money?

Evamevaṃ kho, bhikkhave, cattārome samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṃ upakkilesā, yehi upakkilesehi upakkiliṭṭhā eke samaṇabrāhmaṇā na tapanti na bhāsanti na virocanti.

In the same way, these four things corrupt ascetics and brahmins, so they don’t shine and glow and radiate.

What four?

  1. There are some ascetics and brahmins who drink liquor, not avoiding drinking liquor…

  2. There are some ascetics and brahmins who have sex, not avoiding sex…

  3. Santi, bhikkhave, eke samaṇabrāhmaṇā jātarūparajataṃ sādiyanti, jātarūparajatapaṭiggahaṇā appaṭiviratā…
    There are some ascetics and brahmins who accept gold and money, not avoiding receiving gold and money…

  4. There are some ascetics and brahmins who make a living the wrong way, not avoiding wrong livelihood…

Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṃ upakkilesā, yehi upakkilesehi upakkiliṭṭhā eke samaṇabrāhmaṇā na tapanti na bhāsanti na virocantīti.
These are four things that corrupt ascetics and brahmins, so they don’t shine and glow and radiate.


It should be noted with the above quote that besides using money, the other three corruptions are pretty much guaranteed ways to go to the lower realms. Money is grouped into this list, so that we can see the results of using money and items bought with money. Even though a monk may confess and relinquish such unallowable items, he must be careful because the kamma still exists. Because using money creates extended and prolong kamma as long as it is possessed and used, its results are powerful. Because those who are Enlightened cannot commit acts which result in rebirth into lower realms, it is impossible for an Enlightened bhikkhu to break the rules of money on such an intentional ongoing level.

The Buddha further said this:

‘‘sāpattikassa, bhikkhave, nirayaṃ vā vadāmi tiracchānayoniṃ vā’’ti
“A monk who has an offense, I say will go to the hell or animal (peta/ghost) realms”.



It should be very clear that monks are not allowed to use money. Furthermore, monks should not benefit from items that were bought by monks in an unallowable way. Lay people are allowed to use money and there is no problem with that. However, when one takes on a certain vocation, there are certain responsibilities that must be carried out. A doctor must take proper care of his patients. A public defender must defend his client to the best of his ability even if he does not like him. There are certain restraints as well. A boss should never seek romantic dates with his subordinates. A lay meditation teacher must never seek romantic dates with his students. Lastly, monks should not use money and they should follow and agree to the 227 rules and the commentary explanations. Out of all 227 rules, using money is considered one of the ten basic rules a beginner should follow.

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This article by Venerable Pesala is also very good


yes… very good

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The Use of Money by Monks pathpress*org/2010/08/25/the-use-of-money-by-monks/ by late Venerable Bodhesako is a seldom good read. (sadly the work is not access-able of the Sangha, as bond to trade)

There is much hypocrisy around the topic and actually less different between those touching money physical and those use it like “Kings” without touching. It’s somehow like people argue about what’s more pure to eat… without getting the real point, that of a beggar who doesn’t get involved.

When people read the Vinaya the way around “how can we gain this or that without violation” there is no end, while one delighting in virtue whould not even require to ask about “rituals” around. Yet it’s understandable that most will never be able to do without trade and exchange, without staying involved.

Who ever practiced seriously on a level of high shame would know and understand that even “promises” or servants are no way to stay out of the worlds fires and conflict.

My person knows only 4 monks currently, who really do not hold money, even not by mind, much lesser getting involved in use. Very, very less are those who really left householders way. Yet also that it is no problem to totally abound all issues around other then the direct receiving of basics, even if one would live the holly life in white.

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An indication of how entrenched the use of money is among many monks on Thailand.

Luangta Lek, who had painstakingly accumulated these funds over two decades through donations and offerings, now found himself a victim of deception. The monk displayed multiple withdrawals from his account, aggregating to an astonishing 850,000 baht.

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Bhante @bksubhuti

So there is situation…
So I went to one Buddhist program. And for that program I did donation of food and robe to the monks.

But the problem there was a monk who is building Monestry or (cultural centre or gathering place for community or may be mix of all this). And he had buy some land with money. Also people there giving him money. Some were specifying that the money is for Monestry land …and some was just giving money without specifying it …

I do not understand what to do …apart from taking money this monks follow all rules …it’s been 20yrs he is monk…it is been said that his teacher is anagami and spend his time in meditation in forest…

I thought he is taking money for Monestry so it is ok.
Also …

Same monk is living in forest alone he has his meditation centre there and one boy stays there who make food for him . Can I donate raw materials to him so that he can make food for monks. And can he use that material for himself to? If I say this is for both of you…

Can u help …

Other thing is I brought sweet to donate to monks for there lunch. I thought everyone is bringing one ingredients. So I go there with fruits and sweet. Then I come to know that there is one house and a family living there has arranged all food for monks. So I request them that I brought this for monks and they were ready to add my ingredients in that meal …

But as I saw plate was too full with many ingredients. Monks was removing many things and some monks removed my sweets to …some eat some don’t…is there merits for such donation. ???

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In both cases: The monk should not accept and touch the items.

  1. Money should not be handled by the monk. The helper should do that. However, if he is asking and doing things like this… from uninvited people, it is all wrong. I question “follows all the rules” I don’t believe it.
  2. If the food items are accepted by his hand, he should eat it or toss it , or relinquish to lay people that day after high Noon. So bulk items should not be accepted.

It is best to read the Buddhist Monastic code. One of the sure tell tale signs rules are not followed is if his shoulder is bare when outside the monastery. However, monks who use money, especially in Thailand, cover both shoulders, but still use money. However, if he has a bare shoulder… it is for sure he uses money or he is very physically sick and in need of medical attention.


All monks who use a monastery that was made unallowable with nails, repairs, renovations or even full property purchases will get an offense for using the monastery.

Venerable, where did you get this from (source)?

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The monk about I was talking covers both of his shoulder…but I saw him taking money for Monestry

But I want to ask if a monk is traveling he need to use money for that right?
If someone makes arrangements for them then good but when there is no one …
Can he use money for traveling?

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As I said before using both shoulders outside the monastery does not mean they don’t use money. However one shoulder is almost guaranteed they do use money .

No, cannot use money for any reason period.

The monks who collect money use the money system. They don’t usually have sponsored donors . That money system does not require sponsorship.

Those who do not use money, have no money to travel. So they don’t travel .
I have travelled plenty of times without money on local Myanmar or Sri Lanka buses. Also with international flights outside of asian countries.

If anything, life is easier to live without money during these modern times rather than more difficult. Modern excuses are false excuses from people who never really tried .

In the past, I have offered to sponsor monks if they give up everything and agree to live without money. Nobody took me up on this offer.

However , one monk eventually followed vinaya and attributes my vinaya challenge to him cleaning up his act.

I no longer have the means to provide sponsorship to challenge monks to follow vinaya. If it is important, please help and challenge monks to follow vinaya.


Yes bhante …I feel happy when I see monks because I think they are very perfect in there living. And if they break Vinaya they will be expelled…but I think there are some loopholes …
I do hesitate to ask monks or point out that they don’t follow vinaya to highest extent.

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It is with the 4 pārājika are for expelling monks.

  1. Sex
  2. Stealing of high value
  3. Killing human life
  4. Lying about superhuman attainments.

Using money, is not an offense that will entail expulsion.
You should read this book called A Life Free From Money.

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In my opinion, money is not allowable for any kind of ascetic. The way I imagine is suppose there was a king who renounced his kingdom to become an ascetic in the forest or on the Himalaya mountain. It would not make sense for him to use money again as an ascetic. The point of renouncing the household life is to abandon sensual pleasures. It would not make sense for someone who has abandoned sensual pleasures to use money as an ascetic.


According to Vinaya, a monk cannot keep money with him as an ascetic. But nowadays we all found that they are holding money in the form of their trust or vihara’s name or even in their personal saving account. Everyone needs to survive for food, clothing, shelter & medicine. In Buddha’s era, much donations were received by him & his monks. Those were used very carefully & distributed among all monks. The main intention behind this precept is not to become greedy or crave for money. One should not get attached to it. Nowadays, it’s modern era. That time, there was no bank as such. All donations were centralised under one roof & distributed. Now there is no such act. To survive in the advanced world dealing with many diseases, calamities, food, shelter etc, a monk should be allowed to keep some savings for his survival without having any greed, attachment towards it. Observing that money as only thing of survival. His mind should not run after that money. If living within boundaries, he act then there is no problem. We should always see intention behind everything.

Welcome to the group @shruti26 .
The monks are allowed personal requisites. This is mentioned all over the vinaya for rules regarding not using money and also in many other rules especially in which asking for things is not allowed. Using allowable requisites through a kappiya is allowed and can be seen by an outsider as using money, but there is a huge difference. If done right, it should be seen as an invitation. Monks always need to be invited to use allowable requisites before using. Another way to look at it is like a “gift certificate” that a kappiya (helper) executes for the monk using proper allowable language.

The best thing to do is to invite a monk yourself with “amount” and “time.”
Amount can be a listed amount ($100) , or stated as “within my means”. Some teachers prefer a listed amount since “means” is ambiguous. However, I was once or twice invited for “more than my means” by a group leader. You can also renew it. “Up to $100 per year.”
Time can be a number of months, years or days, or “forever”
“Ven Sir, I invite you to ask for anything you need having the value of $100. Whenever that need arises, please let me know”.

The kappiya account method is similar. Having given the monastery or personal helper $100 for the support of the monk’s needs,
“Ven Sir, I have given $100 in allowable requisites with “joe-kappiya” for your needs. Whenever you need anything, please ask him or the newly appointed monastery helper”.

As helpers come and go, it is important to say that last part. Unless it is a personal helper. We are on our 3rd office manager at IIT in 2 years.

In this way, you can see that both methods one is “invited by the donor”. It is not recommended to just give and let the kappiya invite. If so, the monk can only ask 6 times for what he needs with that donation (Nissaggi Pacittiya #10). After that, the donation cannot be used again legally. Furthermore, it gives the monk a heads up that a donation was made for his needs specifically and who the donor was. Donations get “lost” or often allocated to another fund without direction.


There is a good book by Ashin Saraṇa on this subject, titled:

Rūpiyavādavinicchaya (The Pāḷi-Tipiṭaka Based Disciplinary Decisions Related to Discussions About the Buddha’s Rules That Prohibit Monks Accept and Use Money).

It can be obtained from here:

An abstract from Ven. Ashin Saraṇa’s page on ResearchGate:

This book is a translation of the Burmese original of the same name, written by Ashin Sarana. Rupiyavadavinicchaya is a scholarly account of the debates and issues regarding monks and the rule that prohibits accepting money, based on Pali Tipitaka texts, esp. the Parajika and Parivara Pali, their Commentaries, and also later treatises, such as Kankhavitarani, Vimativinodani, Vinayalankara, and other Vinaya-related scriptures. This book provides etymology for several important terms, such as alajji, papabhikkhu, and dussila, based on the Vinaya scriptures as well as the Suttanta Pitaka. The author explains why monks who accept money harm themselves, other monks, the Community of Monks (Sangha), the donors, and the whole Dispensation. Chapter 8 provides suggestions to monks on how they can live a life free of accepting money and still dedicate themselves freely to studying, teaching, or meditation; Chapter 9 provides suggestions to laypeople on how they can support monks in their noble life without encouraging them in breaking any of their rules of Discipline (Vinaya).