Hi mrunal
I meant that the wondering (and hoping) that such and such a teacher is enlightened is motivated by tanha.
For the putthajjana it is difficult to know, hard to gauge who is explaining correctly, let alone who has attained.
It is easy to be fooled, and even the teacher themselves may overestimate their understanding.
This is a time for placing confidence in the Dhamma.
This is a good topic. Keep investigating and questioning.
Now what is arising: seeing, colors, thinking, doubt, wishing, wondering, hardness, heat… many different dhammas, that can be understood as they arise, as conditioned, as impermanent, as anatta.
Maha-parinibbana Sutta
Therefore, Ananda, be islands unto yourselves, refuges unto yourselves, seeking no external refuge; with the Dhamma as your island, the Dhamma as your refuge, seeking no other refuge.
"And how, Ananda, is a bhikkhu an island unto himself, a refuge unto himself, seeking no external refuge; with the Dhamma as his island, the Dhamma as his refuge, seeking no other refuge?
When he dwells contemplating the body in the body, earnestly, clearly comprehending, and mindfully, after having overcome desire and sorrow in regard to the world; when he dwells contemplating feelings in feelings, the mind in the mind, and mental objects in mental objects, earnestly, clearly comprehending, and mindfully, after having overcome desire and sorrow in regard to the world, then, truly, he is an island unto himself, a refuge unto himself, seeking no external refuge; having the Dhamma as his island, the Dhamma as his refuge, seeking no other refuge.