Entering into the Sasana (Sasanavatarana)

This is the book which almost all monks (specially forest monks) in Sri Lanka have read before their ordination.

It was written by Rerukane Chandavimala Mahathera, the Ledi Sayadaw of Sri Lanka.

There is no any Abhidhamma expert to be found in the island who has not been regularly using his Abhidhamma books.

Up to the present day, he is the most appreciated Dhamma-book author in Sri Lanka.

To reap the real benefits of pabbajja in the Buddha sāsana
one must ordain both mind and body.
Pabbajja is unpleasant for one who has a lay mind
but ordained in body only.

-Ven. Rerukane Chandawimala

It is a compendium of important Dhamma points for an ordination candidate.
It begins with explaining the benefits of ordaining in an elegant way.

Post by WindDancer » Fri Apr 09, 2021

Eko Care wrote:
I have been told by a Sri Lankan forest monk that he and most of the forest tradition’s teachers recommend this book for the people who waiting for ordination at the monasteries.

Wow. Thank you. I am looking forward to studying this book.

Chandavimala Mahathera has written numerous book in Sinhala. Here are two translated books in to English.


For the one who has wrongly understood the nature of the world, firmly attached the wrong notions regarding world which he harbours in his mind, thinking in those misdirected lines of thought and therein acting derived out of those pseudo currents thought the laid by exalted
one would be discerned as false. Therefore for those of such a mental constitution grasping profound doctrine of the four Noble be indeed.

-Ven. Rerukane Chandawimala


Those who are desirous of arahantship should exert themselves hopefully in this life itself without deferring it for a future life or a dispensation of a future Buddha. Even as a mature and a germinative seed would decompose in the absence of water, in like manner those
qualified for Nibbàna here and now would miss the great opportunity of realizing it if they fail to put up the necessary exertion. Those lacking in the mental resolve to work for arahantship in the present existence but are hopeful of doing so in a future life must of necessity fulfil the perfections pertinent to the bodhi they have chosen. For this they should be equipped with a knowledge of the perfections. The relevant familiarity with the subject can be acquired by reading this book.

-Ven. Rerukane Chandawimala


Also see here for translation of extracts from a book by the venerable


It is a very useful book.


Most of his books in Sinhala can be found here (I’m not sure if the list is complete)

Venerable Rerukāne Candavimala Mahā Nāyaka Thero’s books in Sinhala

Some translations of his books are available here (these PDF copies are not of the best quality, but they serve the purpose)

Some translations of Venerable Rerukāne Candavimala Mahā Nāyaka Thero’s books into English

The Venerable was a highly reputed author, with an astonishing literary style, and was highly educated. He wrote more than 30 books. May he have destroyed all āsavas and attained āsavakkhaya, becoming khīṇāsava.

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