Abhivamsa vs PhD

Even a Dhammacariya have learnt many methods of interpreting Tipitaka and Atthakatha thoroughly.

And bhante, as you might have already known,
considering Sri Lankan monks,

This young venerable is an Abhivamsa and It is said that there is no Pali word (generally) he doesn’t know.

This venerable is seemingly exeptional in Analysing Fundamentals in all the 3 baskets.

This venerable is the Master of Patthana.

This venerable is an Alankara and says “Studying suttas is not Reading suttas”.

Actually they are humble monks who never be inventive about Ancient interpretation methods.


A few notes:

Yes, this monk will be the pali teacher of the new IIT program. However, as smart as he is, he has not passed the 2nd half of the examination series. He sort of has rights to getting called “abhivamsa” and I’m quite sure a different monk asked him to use that title and not him. There were a series of personal problems and a death in the family during his second round of exams and he could not pass. Then other problems arose internationally and locally to Myanmar. Hist teacher, Ven Janitabhivamsa is here now at Pa-Auk Why is this Sayadaw so special? Any exam he takes, he is always number 1. He is a very nice monk and humble too. He obviously remembers the Sri Lankan and wishes him to come back to study but his other teacher does not allow him to come back to Myanmar during these conditions. I met this monk when he was only 17 years old. He had already memorized the patimokkha and dhammapada at that time. He is fluent in Myanmar and English as well.

Ven Siddhartthalankara memorized most of the patimokkha in 3 days. On the fourth day he performed it. You have no idea the difference between memorizing the patimokkha and performing it. I believe he passed all exams within 3 years of trying. He has special recognition for answering the exam questions in the pali language. He is fluent in Myanmar and English as well. A very sweet, gentle and lovable monk.