Are Sotapannas immune to wrong views?

There are many people of different faiths who will say they are enlightened but disregard the texts. Some are even claimers of the Theravada Tradition, Like Daniel Ingram who says that an Arahant (which he claims to be) “can have hot sex and smoke crack”.

By taking such extremes from personal experience with disregard to the ancient texts (road map), one can surely lose their way. Please be careful.

The Partial Theravadans are generally lacking scholar nature, vassa with proper teachers, and they distrust the real scholars. Any Dhammacariya or Alankhara in Myanmar let alone an Abhivamsas or Tipitaka Sayadaws can effortlessly “dance circles” around any western PhD, or monk. Besides a skill in English, who is even someone like Bhikkhu Bodhi compared to them? Even if he could stand a fighting chance. How many are like him? Do you think Ajhan Sujato is a scholar who has even a fraction of the knowledge of those I listed? Ajahn Anaylayo? Who else. Partial Theravadans are their own teachers and that is where the movement started… ehem… by their own unchaperoned self guided selves.

After all of that, then we talk about “personal experience”… based on what litmus test?

Sorry. It is just plain disrespect to the senior elders of past and present and soon to be future when one is a “Partial-Theravada”. What more can be said about one who is outspoken about these matters?