What would you prefer? Stream-entry or being a Bodhisatta?

Hello everyone,

What would you prefer, attaining stream entry in this very life or seeing your past/future lives and discovering that you are a bodhisatta that has already received a prophecy in the past or will receive one soon from a Buddha in the future?

As for me, I would rather be a bodhisatta. I like the idea of perfecting the qualities of generosity, virtue, renunciation, loving-kindness, etc. I also like the idea of becoming a Buddha. I think any amount of pain and suffering is worth becoming a Buddha because that’s the highest goal anyone could aim for.

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My ultimate aspiration is to reach Nibbana. But as a layperson, becoming a sotapanna is my immediate goal. I’m eager to escape the cycle of rebirth. So, if I had the chance to learn from either a sotapanna or a bodhisatta, I’d choose the sotapanna. Even though they’re not fully enlightened, they’ve experienced a glimpse of Nibbana and can guide me on the path. A bodhisatta does not yet know how to do this.


Yes we should strive to attain Nibbana to be free from all suffering. It’s just that I want to also help countless living beings to attain Nibbana or at the very least to be reborn in good realms. Throughout my life, I’ve been to non-Buddhist countries and went to school there and had friends. They are not Buddhists and I don’t even know if they will attain Nibanna in the next sasana. So, if I could become a Buddha in a future life, I could help them attain Nibbana one day.