What’s the difference between a Tihetuka Patisandhi and a Dvihetuka Patisandhi?

OK, so a better way of rephrasing my question is
“What’s the difference between a Tihetuka Patisandhi and a Dvihetuka Patisandhi?”

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Is this the best translation? www.buddhanet. net/pdf_file/abhidhamma.pdf

I saw Bhikkhu Subhuti criticized Bhikkhu Bodhi’s work elsewhere

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Of the 2 classes. 3 roots means that there is Wisdom (amoha).
That is the main thing. Many people can talk, but few are wise.
The standard description of the Dhamma.

“Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo,
“The Dhamma has been well-proclaimed by the Fortunate One,

sandiṭṭhiko, akāliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,
it is visible, not subject to time, inviting inspection, onward leading,

paccattaṁ veditabbo viññūhī” ti.
and can be understood by the wise for themselves.”


Does the Venerable Bhante have the Tihetuka Patisandhi himself?

It is usually said by most teachers that those who are double rooted would not be seriously interested in Theravada Buddhism?

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I think if someone is well educated, rich, and seriously interested in Theravada Buddhism then it’s very likely that they are triple rooted and can succeed in meditation because many people in Buddhist countries may wish to be reborn as a rich and well-educated human and they believe in kamma, so they would be triple rooted when they get reborn, so if you are a well educated and rich Buddhist, it’s possible you were a human from a Buddhist country in your past life and you made some good kamma and that’s why you are educated and rich and interested in Theravada Buddhism. That is how I understand it.


I don’t think being rich is condition here

Being rich is a result of good kamma.

If someone made good kamma such as Dana, Sila, and Bhavana kamma in their past life and are reborn as Buddhists in their present life as a result of that good kamma, they would definitely be rich. In this case, what I mean by being rich is being born into a middle-class or higher class family that can afford a place to live and has money to support you in your education and life.

Being rich would be a result of Dana
Being safe and healthy would be a result of sila
Having Dhamma knowledge would be a result of Bhavana kamma such as meditation, asking Dhamma questions, and listening to the Dhamma.

If someone with such good kamma ordain, they would be able to receive alms food and requisites easily.

But we r discussing dwihetuka and trihetuka chitta …
And anyone can have it …
Being rich , poor,

I’m saying if someone is rich and a Buddhist in a buddhist country, they most likely have tiple rooted citta because of the good kamma they did in their past life that led to them being rich and interested in the Dhamma in this life.
Many people in Myanmar for example may wish to be rich and well educated in their next life when doing good deeds. When that kamma produce its result, they will definitely be triple rooted citta because they believed in kamma and its result at the time of doing those good deeds. They will also be rich because of dana kamma.

If someone is rich and not in a buddhist country, they can still be triple rooted citta. If they become Buddhists later in their life, they most likely were born with a triple rooted citta.

Yes, even poor people can have triple rooted citta, but it’s easier to tell if someone has triple rooted citta or not by looking at their life. If their present life is good, that means they did good deeds in their past life. They might have believed in kamma in their past life in which case they would be triple rooted citta in their present life.