Dear Zan,
The Pāsarāsisutta is giving a brief account of his journey from Bodhisatta in his last life until the attainment of arahatship by the five ascetics. They didn’t attain arahatship immediately.
Pāsarāsisutta—Bhikkhu Bodhi MN 26
“Bhikkhus, before my enlightenment, while I was still only an unenlightened Bodhisatta, I too, being myself subject to birth, sought what was also subject to birth; being myself subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow, and defilement, I sought what was also subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow, and defilement. Then I considered thus: ‘Why, being myself subject to birth, do I seek what is also subject to birth? Why, being myself subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow, and defilement, do I seek what is also subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow, and defilement?
“When this was said I asked them: ‘Bhikkhus, have you ever known me to speak like this before?’—‘No, venerable sir’—‘Bhikkhus, the Tathāgata is an Accomplished One, a Fully Enlightened One. Listen, bhikkhus, the Deathless has been attained. I shall instruct you, I shall teach you the Dhamma. Practising as you are instructed, by realising for yourselves here and now through direct knowledge you will soon enter upon and abide in that supreme goal of the holy life for the sake of which clansmen rightly go forth from the home life into homelessness. ’
“I was able to convince the bhikkhus of the group of five. Then I sometimes instructed two bhikkhus while the other three went for alms, and the six of us lived on what those three bhikkhus brought back from their almsround. Sometimes I instructed three bhikkhus while the other two went for alms, and the six of us lived on what those two bhikkhus brought back from their almsround.
“Then the bhikkhus of the group of five, thus taught and instructed by me, being themselves subject to birth, having understood the danger in what is subject to birth, seeking the unborn supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, attained the unborn supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna; being themselves subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow, and defilement, having understood the danger in what is subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow, and defilement, seeking the unageing, unailing, deathless, sorrowless, and undefiled supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, they attained the unageing, unailing, deathless, sorrowless, and undefiled supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna. The knowledge and vision arose in them: ‘Our deliverance is unshakeable; this is our last birth; there is no renewal of being.’
The Dhammacakkappavattanasutt is giving the first sutta he spoke, where Kondanna, one of those ascetics, became a sotapanna. The others did not yet attain.
The 4 noble truths are implicit in the Dhamma, as is Dependent origination. They are different ways of explaining that "Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation.”.
For some just hearing that:
Then Ven. Assaji gave this Dhamma exposition to Sariputta the Wanderer:
Whatever phenomena arise from cause:
their cause
& their cessation.
Such is the teaching of the Tathagata,
the Great Contemplative.
Then to Sariputta the wanderer, as he heard this Dhamma exposition, there arose the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye: “Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation.”
is enough to attain. Others need to hear details as elucidated in the Paticcasamuppada. For others the way this is explained by the 4 ariya sacca suits.
For the slow ones, and we are all slow at this time, the Abhidhamma especially the Patthana, helps to breadown the idea of self and shows that only elements arise, only elements cease.
Thus there is no discrepancy between the two suttas, quite the contrary.
There are many enemies of the Dhamma. Of course we should have compassion for them and help if it is possible. But it is endless, explain one point and they will find another they hope supports whatever base belief they have. Nevertheless it was worth refuting in detail the rejectors of the Abhidhamma as this is a whole Pitaka - and one who understands Abhidhamma will also have confidence in the entire Tipitaka and study it with right view.
What is most helpful is to see that the truth of dukkha is so real right now. That is digging out doubt at its root.