Visuddhi Magga pdf with bookmarks?


Is there an official Visuddhi Magga in pdf format with bookmarks like the epub version? The epub version has bookmarks but in desktop computer I prefer reading pdf than epub.

Meanwhile these are pdf files with bookmarks I created by converting the epub into pdf.

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This is the standard pdf with no bookmarks.

Just to make it clear, bookmarks in terms of pdf document is the table of contents that appeared in the bookmarks (or ToC) panel.

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okay… I understand now… better to call it TOC. Yes this is useful, but I guess cannot re-distribute according to the allowed copyright.
Perhaps you can write a letter to BPS and ask them to publish this, or accesstoinsight which might have better luck contacting bps.

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It can based on the copyright written in the epub:

For free distribution. This work may be republished, reformatted, reprinted and redistributed in any medium. However, any such republication and redistribution is to be made available to the public on a free and unrestricted basis, and translations and other derivative works are to be clearly marked as such.

Table of contents in pdf usually refers to the in written page. For navigation it is called bookmarks.

My goal is not to redistribute the pdf since it is only a conversion from epub. I simply wonder if there is any official pdf with bookmarks since bookmarks are quite useful in navigating the book.

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I didn’t realise that there was an official EPUB version. I recall that when the PDF was released someone modified the PDF to include links: and BPS got upset about it (I can’t find that part of the discussion, but you can see that the link no longer works…).

Does the EPUB use unicode? The official PDF uses a very old-fashioned font system (see the next post in the thread I linked above), making searching and cutting and pasting content rather annoying.

Edit: Answering my own question, cutting and pasting from the EPub, it does seem to use Unicode:

The Earth Kasiṇa (Pathavī-kasiṇa-niddesa)
(i) What is understanding? Understanding (paññā) is of many sorts …

However, you can’t search for “panna”, but have to enter “paññā” (at least on my Calibre reader).

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The epub is from here:

There is also a pdf with table of contents (bookmarks) in there too. I must have missed it when I downloaded the epub (it was a long time ago).

For searching with ascii character I guess one option is to convert the epub using calibre with transliteration


Transliterate Unicode characters to an ASCII representation. Use with care because this will replace Unicode characters with ASCII. For instance it will replace "Pelé" with "Pele". Also, note that in cases where there are multiple representations of a character (characters shared by Chinese and Japanese for instance) the representation based on the current calibre interface language will be used.

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But that’s not a very nice option as then you don’t have the correct spelling… :cold_sweat:

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After finding the page with the ascii version then we can look at/copy paste from the unicode version :wink:

Another idea that might help is to use the regex search with e.g. pa[nñṅṇŋ][nñṅṇŋ][aā], that is to replace every character with a group of the character and its associated diacritics.

The conversion from panna to pa[nñṅṇŋ][nñṅṇŋ][aā] can be automated for example using autohotkey on Windows.

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This autohotkey script will convert ascii characters to its diacritics (press Alt+t) while focusing in the calibre search input box


; this file must be saved with utf-8 bom to enable unicode characters

ConvertPali() {
	Send ^a^c
	text := Clipboard
	text := StrReplace(text, "a", "[aā]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "n", "[nñṅṇŋ]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "i", "[iī]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "d", "[dḍ]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "l", "[lḷ]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "t", "[tṭ]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "m", "[mṁṃ]")
	text := StrReplace(text, "u", "[uū]")
	Clipboard := text
	Send ^v

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