The remains of Ven Buddhaghosa Thera location

I just saw a video on YouTube. It says the remains of Ven Buddhaghosa Thera was buried here in this small cetiya nearby at Bodhgaya temple.

Anyone been there before?

*In Thai language, Ven Buddhaghosa Thera is known as “Phra Buddhaghosajarn” meaning"Venerable Teacher Buddhaghosa".

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I would love to visit.


Saw this online, said that Bhaddantacariya Buddhaghosa Thera was Arahant. Where can I know more about this?

I don’t think it was mentioned in Visuddhimagga…

The Sri Lankan Chronicles remain silent on this matter, yet the Mahāvaṃsa asserts that, having fulfilled his duties on the island, the revered figure returned to Jambudīpa, or more broadly, to his homeland in Bodhgayā, India, to pay homage to the Great Bodhi Tree. While the Sri Lankan texts and the commentaries are also mute regarding the exact location of his death, certain Burmese traditions (e.g., the Bup.) claim that he spent his final days in Bodhgayā (Where he took his last breath), retiring from his literary activity, observing the precepts, and passing away peacefully there. His body was reportedly cremated, and his relics entrusted in stūpas erected next to the Bo-tree.

However, as the Indologist Dr. Bimala Churn Law noted,

No inscription has emerged from any of the memorial mounds near the Bo-tree to substantiate the claim regarding the erection of stūpas over his remains at the sacred Mahābodhi site.

Consequently, the historical accuracy regarding this matter remains elusive, apart from the fact that the Burmese records concerning Venerable Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa are regarded by scholars as a broken mirror, reflecting a selective narrative infused with nationalistic embellishments and myths with a nationalist tendency of ownership.

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