This is just to let you know that classical-theravada-org started nearly a year ago (11 months ago) and we have had a total of 2.5k posts so far.
We also have nearly 100 users with a few dummy-test users included.
This amount of activity has far exceeded our expectations when we first started the revamped version of @RobertK 's website. He kept an earlier version of CT going basically with himself mostly posting alone for two years before I got gave up on dhammawheel, joined the Robert’s site and then proposed a new solution. Because of that, we had everything to gain and nothing to lose.
In the end, we are still a very small group compared to dhammawheel’s 1 million posts in 10 years but I think we are all happy with the results of the small group and I wanted to share that with you.
Congratulations! This group is very helpful in understanding and practicing the Dharma. The fact that you are very active has helped me a lot. Thank you very much for your work.
You can get millions of new age Buddhists to an event in the west but only a handful of religious Buddhists and even less classical/traditional Buddhists.
Quality not quantity. You’ve done a great job.
I agree and can relate to that. I’ve had some traditional Buddhist programs and retreats at my place and the turnout was typically 2 to 8 people; for regular recurring programs closer to the ‘two’ number. When I had a Buddhist teacher give a talk who was more New Agey than Buddhist, the turnout was over 100 people, nearly 200 people. We had to hold it outside, there were so many people that showed up.
Just so you know… here are some of the stats since we started (and a little before).
You will see we have 4.4k posts, 174 signed up users, and 559 topics. There are more stats, but this is what is important. I set the start date for the reports at Jan 1, 2021 to be sure we had everything. Originally started by @RobertK as a subdomain on, I came up with a plan to move this into an active fully owned community for much less than was being paid for the sub domain presence.
There have been several times where we as the owners have done some heavy moderation in the name of CT. In other websites, we would not have that liberty. It is really nice to own our own place for CT, where we decide what is proper. However, most of the time, this discourse runs by itself nicely. Both Robert and myself are very happy with the results. We hope you are too. We appreciate your participation!
We are also happy for our user @kokoye2007 who set up the server for free and also did an emergency repair for us (as well as being on call when trouble arises).

It’s a great merit to protect Pure Buddhism in the cyberspace.
In an era where no one would volunteer to do it inside the forum-culture, @RobertK and @bksubhuti were the heroes of the century in that regard, I would say.
May you both receive Pure Dhamma whererever been reborn in the future samsara, if born again!
And thank you always for your excellent posts ekocare. Your contributions are very important for this site and everywhere that you share Dhamma. 
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Sādhu for the encouragement. I’m in the USA and hope to catch up. Lol on the "pure dhamma " label but that is as it should be labeled.
Please keep up and sustain your activity in this group .