There are 4 categories of persons said by the Buddha : (Abhidhamma Pitaka, Puggala paññati )
katamo ca puggalo ugghaṭitaññū? yassa puggalassa saha udāhaṭavelāya dhammābhisamayo hoti — ayaṃ vuccati puggalo “ugghaṭitaññū”.
Who is the person quick in knowledge? For the persons who at the time of exposition penetrates Dhamma : such person is called quick in knowledge.
katamo ca puggalo vipañcitaññū? yassa puggalassa saṃkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthe vibhajiyamāne dhammābhisamayo hoti — ayaṃ vuccati puggalo “vipañcitaññū”.
Who is a person getting knowledge at (middle) exposition? For this person, at the explanation of what has been said in brief, he penetrates Dhamma : such person is called one who get knowledge at the exposition.
katamo ca puggalo neyyo? yassa puggalassa uddesato paripucchato yoniso manasikaroto kalyāṇamitte sevato bhajato payirupāsato evaṃ anupubbena dhammābhisamayo hoti — ayaṃ vuccati puggalo “neyyo”.
Who is a person who can learn? For this person by explaining, by questioning, by wise consideration, by association companionship and learning with good friends, in this way he penetrates Dhamma : such is called a person who can learn.
katamo ca puggalo padaparamo? yassa puggalassa bahumpi suṇato bahumpi bhaṇato bahumpi dhārayato bahumpi vācayato na tāya jātiyā dhammābhisamayo hoti — ayaṃ vuccati puggalo “padaparamo”.
Who is a person for whom the word is foremost? For this person whatever much he hears, whatever much he recites whatever much he bears in mind wathever much instructs in this life he does not penetrate Dhamma : he is called a person for whom the word is foremost.
In these 4 categories of person, the Venerable AññāKondañña and the 4 others ascetics were Vipancitaññū (one who understand by exposition).
The Venerable Sāriputta was Uggatitaññu (one who is quick to understand ).
In our age, only the two latest categories remain: neyya (one who can learn), who is capable of attaining sotapatti in this life, and padaparama, one who can not whatever much he practice.
But padaparama by present practice, will be able to attain in future life.
Therefore to try to develop complete vipassanā in order is necessary for all of us.