Masturbation for the monks and nuns is prohibited by the vinaya. It is not prohibited for layman and laywomen.
What are the kammic results of masturbation?
Is it bad to masturbate as a lay person?
Does masturbation lead to the four apayas?
Is daily masturbation bad?
Is daily masturbation bad even when controlled?
Is masturbation something that should never be done at all?
Will masturbation hinder attainment of stream-entry?
Can one attain stream-entry even when one masturbates regularly?
Is masturbation something to be never done in uposotha days?
Should it be done more than once daily?
Should it be done 6 out of 7 days?
Does it lead to the animal realm?
Does it lead to the hell realm?
Does it lead to the peta realm?
Does it hinder attainment of the jhanas?
Does it lead to a female rebirth?
Is it bad even though it’s done in restraint?
Is it fine to do every now and then for lay people?
Does it generate bad kamma?
Does it generate habitual kamma if done daily?
If it generates habitual kamma if done daily then does it lead to the animal, peta or hell realm?
It would be for my lasting welfare and happiness if this was clarified, thank you all.