You can find the stories here. They are not word for word, but not so bad.
The problem is there is a ton of spam on the website. The website is cc-by-sa so I think it is okay to copy these stories somewhere else.
This appears to be a very light editing of Stories of the Departed available from (not sure if it’s ok to link to that site?). It’s available in print from PTS here.
Here is the first part of the first story and you can see they are very similar:
Is inserting images into posts not allowed?
For folks interested in a translation of the verses with just a smidge of commentary, they are available on
I think that the link on dhammatalks dot net is a pirate version. PTS allows only the mula texts to be distributed in online format.
As for the other version. I’m not sure… but It does not look like a PTS translation nor claims it. I think it is different.
Pictures are allowed but discouraged. You might be on a trust level that does not allow it by default.
Did you look at it? Because it’s almost word for word the same. Here is an ocr of the image I tried to post:
While the Blessed One was dwelling at Kalandaka-nivapa’ in Veluvana near Rajagaha, he told this story. At Rajagaha these was an immensely wealthy banker known only by the name of Mahidhanasetthi. He had an only son, who was amiable and charming. When he reached the years of discretion, his parents reflected thus : " If our son spends a thousand per day, even in a hundred years this accumulation of wealth will not come to an end." They did not teach him a craft, thinking : " Since the learning of a craft would be a fatiguing exertion, let him with sound body and mind comfortably enjoy his wealth." Instead, when he was come of age,* they procured him a charming bride, but totally lacking in a conception of Dhamma. With her he passed the time, given to enjoyment, delighting in and hankering after pleasure. At the death of his parents, he gave lavishly to dancers, singers, and others, and having wasted his wealth and become poor, he managed to live by borrowing money. But when he could no longer secure a loan and was presssed by his creditors, he gave them field and farm, house, and his other possessions, and became a beggar, and lived in the poor-house in that same city.
Now one day some robbers met him and thus addressed him : " Look here, man, what do you get out of this hard life? You are young and active. Come with us and make a comfortable living by stealing. We will train you."… He agreed and went with them. The thieves gave him a large club ; as they entered a house in which they had made a breach, they stationed him at the opening saying…
I don’t know where one draws the line, but it appears to me that they took the PTS translation and just changed a few of the more literary words to make it simpler.
I didn’t see any attribution at all. Did I miss something?