Parents and Buddhism

As we read in suttas.

That one do not able to repay debt of parents even if they defecate on you for hundreds of years…
But if one introduced them in dhamma
One place them in good habits
one place them in dhamma one is free from there debt…

My concern is not about parents debt…
My concern is worry about them … about what will happen to them if they die…I don’t want to see them in bad destination.

In India situation is worst… today’s Hinduism and hindu extremist somehow show only Hinduism is great. And other religions are not…
My parents also think same …
After lower caste people converted to Buddhism. Many hi dus hate buddha and Buddhism…

Truth is they do not know the dhamma, patticchasamutpada, or any Buddhist doctorine. They are happy in there delution that they are warshiping there ancient gods and they are right…

So I feel so sad and worried always. What will happen if may parents die without atlist gaining faith in buddha , Sangha and Dhamma…

I am trying my best …to convince them…
My plans are …
Make them do Vipassana course 10 days …
And involve them in grand donation to monks …

Can anyone help me how to handle this situation

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If you can:
establish them in morality where they did not have morality.
establish them in concentration where they did not have concentration
establish them in wisdom where they did not have wisdom

Then you have been able to fulfil your duties to your parents the best when for them to reach nibbāna.

Try a gradual exposure. Buddhism is often a dirty word in India, for the high caste people as you said. However, if you look further, and closely you will see that some of the big supporters of Buddhism (in India) come from very high castes and wealth. So you can try to show them this side.