
What is paṭisañcikkhati? I know it translates as “reflecting” but how do the commentaries explain it? It seems to be important for insight.

I have seen it a few times. I think it is a synonym for (wise) reflection - which is of course one of the prime conditions for most types of kusala.

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It is reflecting. It is in many places in the paḷi collection.
You can see in the digital pāḷi dictionary below:



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Is it to do with vitakka and vicara or is it another term for panna?

Vitakka and vicara arise with all moments of reflection - kusala or akusala. And panna is present, along with vitakka and vicara, if there is any wise reflection.
It may well be that the word puts more weight on one of these but it would need a fair amount of looking at contexts to determine that …