Samyutta nikaya
V> . NEW AND OLD 35- 146 (1) bodhi translation
Kamma “Bhikkhus, I will teach you new and old kamma, the cessation of kamma, and the way leading to the cessation of kamma. Listen to that and attend closely, I will speak…. “And what, bhikkhus, is old kamma? The eye is old kamma, to be seen as generated and fashioned by volition, as something to be felt.146 The ear is old kamma … The mind is old kamma, to be seen as generated and fashioned by volition, as something to be felt. This is called old kamma. “And what, bhikkhus is new kamma? Whatever action one does now by body, speech, or mind. This is called new kamma.
- Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.146
- Navapurāṇavagga
“Navapurāṇāni, bhikkhave, kammāni desessāmi kammanirodhaṁ kammanirodhagāminiñcapaṭipadaṁ. Taṁ suṇātha, sādhukaṁ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmīti.
Katamañca, bhikkhave, purāṇakammaṁ?
Cakkhu, bhikkhave, purāṇakammaṁ abhisaṅkhataṁ abhisañcetayitaṁ vedaniyaṁ daṭṭhabbaṁ …pe…
jivhā purāṇakammā abhisaṅkhatā abhisañcetayitā vedaniyā daṭṭhabbā …pe… mano purāṇakammoabhisaṅkhato abhisañcetayito vedaniyo daṭṭhabbo.
Idaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, purāṇakammaṁ.
Katamañca, bhikkhave, navakammaṁ?
Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, etarahi kammaṁ karoti kāyena vācāya manasā,
idaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, navakammaṁ.
Katamo ca, bhikkhave, kammanirodho?
Yo kho, bhikkhave, kāyakammavacīkammamanokammassa nirodhā vimuttiṁ phusati,
ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, kammanirodho.