Masturbation and sexual misconduct

So in my personal case, I was facing difficulties to follow this particular morality.

I took the idea from the suttapitaka in which Buddha guided Nanda by showing him heaven nymphs. He assured him that he would meet with those nymphs.

I am also using the same strategy that if I do kushla kamma, I will receive rewards in my next life…

My second strategy is not forcing myself to immediately stop sexual thought, so even though I do not perform sexual acts, I do watch porn. It’s like controlling the mind, like we control children by giving them treats. It helps me from committing sexual acts.

So watching porns and collecting desires for next life actually pushes me in this third scenario. Explain as follows:

Third, if I observed that I am getting sexual thoughts too much and am just pulling myself into a situation where I just start to find a sexual partner due to this. I do masturbation, which calms me.

It gives me guilt that I don’t want to perform sexual acts anymore.

I know masturbation is bad according to Buddha, but that rule is for monks. As a layperson, watching porn and masturbation helps me from performing sexual misconduct, which is very bad kamma.

Is it that easy to commit sexual misconduct?

You’re not married?

Anyway, yes, in terms of 5 precepts, porn, masturbation are allowed, but in terms of noble 8fold path, it’s not ideal, still possible, but it still cultivates lust. Anyway, don’t use higher standards of morality for where you are at now.

The Buddha’s strategy for lust is asubha.

  1. get some app with timelapse aging, put any attractive face into it and see the beauty fades.

  2. Anatomy lessons, to see 32 parts of the body, can use AI to generate anatomy pictures of humans, but it will be inaccurate.

  3. corpse decay, can use AI to generate zombie pictures.

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Not married plus I would like to find single partner for this but am not able to control my desire till I find someone…

I should start asubha meditation…thanks bhante . But deep inside my mind there is this desire to be fulfilled…an unlike other people here I don’t want to be liberated from this world…

I just want to do marits so that I will born in favorable conditions always…
So if I think about starting asubha this thought come in to my mind first

It’s not easy to find a sexual partner outside of wife. And a lot of them are considered sexual misconduct, and expensive, and STD, and unwanted pregnancy. I learned from the tv show friends that condoms are not 100% safe.

So don’t waste time and energy into it.

Anyway, why aim so low?


From my personal experience, getting busy studying the Dhamma and focusing on one’s life can help you stop masturbating.

I think hiriottappa can help with removing attachment to porn because watching porn is not something you would want people to know because it hurts one’s reputation so it’s something to be ashamed of.

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When you are fantasizing, you should ask yourself, “Do I want to be with this woman in my next life and married to her?”

The woman you are thinking of is probably not the kind of girl you want to bring home to your mother, and certainly not get stuck with in a next life.

You need to look at a multi - life view. Creating a multi-life perspective on the third precept was the purpose in my essay on 3rd precept. Give it a another read. This is another exercise you can do. Furthermore, if you actually land a life with a porn star in the next life, 1 million other men will be directing their next lives to be with her too. You will not be happy. She obviously does not have the habit of faithfulness. Some of those other 1 million men will also get their wish. Furthermore, think of all of the akusala kamma she makes. Where is her destination? Do you want to follow her there? If you want bodily contact, a worm will do you quite well, if you are so lucky to find her there.

These are some contemplations that you can do in additions to the standards suggestions by @Paññādhammika .


These are really good strategy, Venerable Sir. Something else I do is look at footages from around 1920s on youtube and think to myself “people from that time couldn’t take anything with them when they died, so why should I indulge in sensual pleasures my entire life if I’m going to die anyway. I should use the time I have left to practice the Dhamma.”