Hello everyone,
How do we know if someone is a bodhisatta or if we ourselves have received a definite prophecy in the past?
Hello everyone,
How do we know if someone is a bodhisatta or if we ourselves have received a definite prophecy in the past?
I think one way to know if someone is a bodhisatta or not is to see past lives. Let’s say someone can see 100 past lives. If they haven’t been reborn as a woman in all 100 past lives and they have a strong desire to become a Buddha, they might have already received a definite prophecy in the past.
That does not mean anything. There are many stories where one has been reborn 500 times as x.
I read that if someone is a bodhisatta, they won’t lie in a way that would harm another’s welfare. I can’t remember a time when I lied in a way that endangered another’s welfare. So, I’m hoping I am a bodhisatta because that would be very good to know. It’s hard to know whether one is a bodhisatta for sure so the best thing to do is to do good things like how a bodhisatta would do.