Do many kamma combine to produce rebirth in heaven or is it only one good deed that produce rebirth?
So, each time we are doing a good or bad deed, can it produce many lives from that single good or bad deed, or is it the accumulation of deeds throughout one’s life that determines one’s rebirth?
It is only one kamma that conditions the rebirth. However the other kammas may give results in that new life.
In addition accumulations of kusala and akusala are what determines our ‘personality’ , our tendencies. Why we are now interested in Dhamma is because of accumulations of wisdom and other parami.
None of these - even the rebirth consciousness- are necessarily from the immediately past life. It could even be due to a kamma done aeons ago.
When someone performs a good deed, is the new life already “destined” to happen, if he doesn’t do any bad deeds in his life? Like, let’s say someone does a good deed. If he could see his future lives after doing the deed, would he be able to see that good deed producing the next life even before he dies?
So, even before someone dies, his future lives are already set although it could change depending on what he does later on after doing good deeds?
If someone does a very powerful good deed and then attains jhana later on, can that good deed product result in the brahma world even if he didn’t have jhana at the time of doing that good deed? The main cause of rebirth in the brahma world would still be jhana but can the good deeds done before attaining jhana produce some results in that brahma life?
So we can’t control which kamma produce results, but we could do more and more good kamma which increase the likelihood of a good kamma producing results in the immediate next life and being reborn in a good realm like heaven.
Well that’s the exactly pa auk teaches us and want us to see to understand kamma and it’s effect… according to him with Vipassana dnyana u can see this and you must see this to gain understanding
The theory is that at the time of your death, any kamma from your previous life appears and produces its results, which link to the consciousness of rebirth. If this kamma is good, you will have a favorable rebirth.
For those who commit five grave kammas (such as killing parents or harming an arahant), the rebirth-linking consciousness is always tied to bad kamma in that life, leading them to a destined hell.
Those who have jhāna can be reborn in the Brahma world if they utilize their jhāna.
For ordinary people, the results can stem from any kamma. This is why Buddhism teaches us to perform three kusala actions every day, practice dāna daily, and live a moral life, so that good habitual kamma will produce favorable results and lead to a good rebirth.
Making a large donation to the Buddha can also guarantee a good rebirth if you have lived a moral life
Yeah, if the good kamma is very strong and powerful and one is of the nature to do good deeds and avoid bad deeds, then I think it’s already very likely that they will be reborn in heaven.
I think the state of mind and faith is more important than how big our donation is. Even donating a flower can produce immeasurable results. Even practicing Buddhanusati can produce immeasurable results. Through mental actions alone, one can be reborn in good realms as the king in many existences.
Which realm will someone be reborn if they have access concentration? Do you think they will be reborn in the highest heaven, Paranimittavasavatti heaven? I like that heaven because it’s the highest of the six. Only the Brahma realms are above it.
There, I explain that heavy kamma is like buying more raffle tickets. It is weighted.
There is also an example of the animals in the barn in other books.
When there is a fire, the big animals can force their way out of the barn door. However, the small animals, if near the barn door also have a chance to go out too.
So the future is uncertain, death is sure to happen, without arahanthood, rebirth is certain to happen. That is why we must try to reach Nibbāna as quick as possible.
Yes, Venerable Sir. If we do a good deed such as offering food to the Buddha or paying homage to the Buddha and we feel happy about it whenever we think about it, it is a very powerful good kamma. Even being interested and feeling joy when studying the Dhamma can be a powerful kamma and a strong condition for attaining Nibbāna.
I like the analogy of the raffle ticket system. A powerful kamma is like many tickets and a weak kamma is like 1 ticket.
We’re lucky that we’re in the dispensation of the Buddha where we can accumulate powerful good kamma and also strive for Nibbāna. There is no higher bliss than Nibbāna.
Very strong kusala like attaining jhanas and maintaining them until death result in birth in a brahma realm in the next life.
And very strong akusala kamma like killing a parent give birth in hell in the next life - no matter how many other good kamma have been done. Still that kusala kamma will gives its result in the future - Ajatasattu killed his father and so had to be born in hell but after he met with the Buddha he gained very strong confidence in the triple gem and made much merit . Eventually , after hell, he will become a pacceka buddha.
15. Another fourfold classification of kamma is this: weighty, habitual, death- threshold, and kamma [stored up] by being performed.3
Herein, (v) when there is weighty and unweighty kamma, the weightier, whether profitable or unprofitable, whether kamma consisting in matricide or kamma of the exalted spheres, takes precedence in ripening. (vi) Likewise, when there is habitual and unhabitual kamma, the more habitual, whether consisting in good or bad conduct, takes precedence in ripening. (vii) Death-threshold kamma is that remembered at the time of death; for when a man near death can remember [kamma], he is born according to that. (viii) Kamma not included in the foregoing three kinds that has been often repeated is called kamma [stored up] by being performed. This brings about rebirth-linking if other kinds fail.
The culakammavibhanga sutta also speaks about kamma.
cūḷakammavibhaṅgasutta mn 135
“idha, māṇava, ekacco itthī vā puriso vā pāṇātipātī hoti luddo lohitapāṇi hatapahate niviṭṭho adayāpanno pāṇabhūtesu.
“take some woman or man who kills living creatures. they’re violent, bloody-handed, a hardened killer, merciless to living beings.
so tena kammena evaṃ samattena evaṃ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā apāyaṃ duggatiṃ vinipātaṃ nirayaṃ upapajjati.
because of undertaking such deeds, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.
no ce kāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā apāyaṃ duggatiṃ vinipātaṃ nirayaṃ upapajjati, sace manussattaṃ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati appāyuko hoti.
if they’re not reborn in a place of loss, but return to the human realm, then wherever they’re reborn they’re short-lived.
appāyukasaṃvattanikā esā, māṇava, paṭipadā yadidaṃ—
for killing living creatures is the path leading to a short lifespan.
Here you can see that if that kamma gets chosen, then it shows a direct corresponding result. If not, it affects such lives with its secondary effects which affect the life of that being.
This totally matches the Abhidhamma texts… and why wouldn’t it anyway?