You have great interest now in Dhamma and this is not by accident. So while we have no way to be sure of our past accumulations, we can understand that everything has reasons, conditions. It is not mere chance that someone is attracted to right or wrong view.
These days due to the internet and easy travel I think most of the world has some exposure to the Buddha’s words.
But of those not so many are interested enough to delve further. Of those who do delve further many take a wrong way, few see the truth of the ancients of Theravada. Of those who follow Theravada few can determine -even intellectually- that the teaching of anatta is the heart of Dhamma.
This helps us to see how it happens:
But we should not rest: keep accumulating more understanding so that we do not deviate in the future.
Venerable Sunnakkhata ( majjhima nikaya 12) was the Buddha’s attendant before Ananda. He listened to Dhamma and attained Jhana, even to the degree of having special powers of hearing. But he eventually left the Buddha, spoke badly of the Dhamma, and followed ascetics who used to live a life of severe ascetism, copying dogs (dog-duty ascetics). Why, when he had all this going for him? The commentary says that this man had lived 500 consecutive past lives as a ascetic and had these tendencies. Even the Buddha’s teaching couldn’t overcome them. And so we see how dependent past factors are in conditioning behaviour. Of course Sunnakkhata made choices, he had volitional control over what he did but what he couldn’t see was that ditthi (wrong view)and lobha were underlying all his choices; such a hard delusion to see through.