Hinduism is copy Mahayan and vajrayan buddism

We can see in all country out side india where Mahayan buddism exist we can see all hindusim god comes under buddism but
In india buddism was lost and The revival of Buddhism in India began in the late 19th century

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We can see so many temples in india where
They worship buddha but they changed his name

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Modern Hinduism have many elements…it is mix of many old school…and bhakti movement bhakti litrature is the reason for this …they even consider buddha as a avatar of Vishnu …so any way …


Oh please dont tell me that Buddha is avtar of Vishnu

They dont consider him avatar of Vishnu
They have even written in puran that even if your life are in danger dont enter in Buddh vihar
They even said if you see any buddh you are doin a sin (paap)

They have captured the Buddh statue and made him Vishu
All their Puranas have been written in opposition to Buddhists.

When this people destroyed Buddhist things and to capture buddist vihar they made their fake stories

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Yes true …

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