Encouragement for times of doubt

If at times we should doubt the Triple gem that is the way things are at that moment. And doubt can be object for awareness.
Even followers in the time of the Buddha could lose faith at times.

At the time of the Buddha 500 disciples of other faiths were friendly with Anathapindika and he took them to see the Buddha
They were taught by the Buddha (taken from Jataka Commentary to Apannaka jataka) and gained confidence:

They, after hearing the Master’s discourse, rose up with hearts converted, and with due salutation to the Lord of Knowledge, burst asunder the other doctrines in which they had taken refuge, and betook themselves to the Buddha as their refuge. Thenceforth without ceasing they used to go with Anatha-pindika, carrying in their hands perfumes and garlands and the like, to hear the Truth in the Monastery; and they abounded in charity, kept the Commandments, and kept the weekly fast-day. — Jataka Tales: Complete Collection of Buddhist Folklore (From Bodhi Path Press) by Bodhi Path Press

However the Buddha left Savatthi and after a time they lost faith:

Now the Blessed One went from Savatthi back to Rajagaha again. As soon as the Buddha had gone, they burst asunder their new faith, and returning to the other doctrines as their refuge, reverted to their original state.

Nevertheless the Buddha returned to Savatthi after several months and again taught the vacillating 500;

Thus did the Blessed One teach this lesson respecting Truth. And he went on to say: "What is called walking by truth, not only bestows the three happy endowments, the six heavens of the realms of sense, and the endowments of the higher Realm of Brahma, but finally is the giver of Arahatship ; whilst what is called walking by untruth entails re-birth in the four states of punishment or in the lowest castes of mankind.” Further, the Master went on to expound in sixteen ways the Four Truths 1, at the close of which all those five hundred disciples were established in the Fruit of the First Path

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