Any thoughts on tibatian practice of dream yoga …
Also leucid dreaming
And is it possible that u become completely aware in sleep but your body is actually sleeping…
I have done this as a layperson and also some as a monk. There are two books worth reading and nothing more than these two books. They are both equally good, but I first worked with the LaBerge’s book a long time ago in the 90’s and even had the nova-dreamer device. EWLD is the shortcut name to this “Bible” for those who know it. Generally speaking, achieving lucidity even one time can give a sense of appreciation for mindfulness in this waking life.
I often ask, “Why am I not so thrilled simply walking down a road in waking life than in a Lucid Dream?” The answer is full hyper awareness. There are some other things too, like understanding the power of the mind and that we experience reality through the mind and that is why a mind-only experience of a dream can seem so real to the mind-made “senses”. Lastly, we can understand that mindfulness can “help” us avoid getting caught up in the sense objects that come our way.
I’m not really able to do this anymore since I’m a lighter sleeper in my old age and I sleep less hours. The problem with this practice is you need to sleep 8 or more hours per day. Not only that, you need to interrupt your sleep frequently to write down your dreams and remember them before they fade. There was a time, when I could go to morning chanting and meditation and then when everyone went to breakfast, I would roll over at my meditation seat and fall fast asleep. Within minutes I could lucid dream and fly through the meditation hall. Ahh. the folly of youth.
Nevertheless, I still think there is a relative relationship to being mindful in the waking life, to navigating the waking life. Sort of as, if lucid dreaming is “waking up in a dream”, then mindfulness would be “Waking up in life”.
Thanks bhante for such complete explanation…and also thanks for books…
Is it possible to attain jhana while meditating lying down?
Possible…but generally we sleep as mind get relax so better avoid it that’s why posture is important…it keeps u alert…
I want to try doing meditation in dream
It’s possible to attain jhana in any postures if the meditator is advanced enough.
If you are going to sleep. It is best to try to meditate before that while in the lying down posture. If you are successful, you will be relaxed and refreshed. If you are not successful (you fall asleep), you will be relaxed and refreshed! Expect the latter to happen, even if you have a strong mind. Nevertheless, it is a good habit. This is why we have formal sitting meditation. It is a very good posture to do meditation in.
Yes, that makes sense. For example, a monk who completely mastered the first jhana during his life and in old age finds himself ill with severe pain and unable to get up… It would be a very useful skill because he would be able to take refuge in his own jhana.
But maximum 7 days one can stay in jhana …that to if he have all five masteries of jhana … after 7 days he needs to get up and look for food
Dear Dhamma friends, There is a book that you can learn about reincarnation cases and research information on karma. The name of the book is “Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation, NDEs and Karma with Personal Stories”. It is a free-to-download book. You can download it from the internet.
Thanks friends
“Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation, NDEs and Karma with Personal Stories” book contains a lot of reincarnation cases and NDE cases.
You can directly Download “Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation, NDEs and Karma with Personal Stories” book for free from the internet in the post below. (edit bksubhuti)
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Thank you venerable sir and Dhamma friends. The system does not allow me to post links. The book Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation, NDEs and Karma with Personal Stories is a good book that shows the reality of universe. If everyone can read it, everyone will change themselves.