Dosa not present for non-returners means non-returners already have no mental unpleasant feelings?

Mental unplesant feelings is only with dosa related defilements, does it mean that from non-returners onwards, who has eradicated dosa, there’s already no mental unplesant feelings?


Right, the anagami has eradicated all dosa so it is impossible for him to have any domanassa, the unpleasant mental feeling. Of course he still has from time to time, unpleasant feeling through the body sense.

The Characteristic Of Dosa [Chapter 6](non%2Dreturner%2C,nama%2C%20arising%20because%20of%20conditions.
. The anagami (non-returner, who has attained the third stage of enlightenment) has eradicated dosa completely; he has no more latent tendency of dosa.


They “are” still burden with what’s called pabbajito-domanassa, eg. “restlessness” uddhacca. The debt of finishing the task.

In regard of vipāka, sure, even bodily, if not doing efforts in upholding path.