I just read an misinterpretation of the processes of citta that rather than showing the anattaness supposedly reveal where a proxy for self can be inserted at the moment of votthappana.
A Manual of Abhidhamma by Narada (a translation of the Abhidhammathasangaha)
Next comes the investigating faculty (Santlrana) or a momentary examination
of the object so received. After this comes that stage of
representative cognition termed the determining con¬
sciousness (Votthapana). Discrimination is exercised at
this stage. Freewill plays its part here.Cittas. Sampa-ticchana and Santlrana are also Vipaka Cittas. The Mano-
dvaravajjana (mind-door consciousness), a Kriya Citta,
functions as the Votthapana consciousness. **One can use **
one’s freewill at this stage. The seven Javana thought-
moments constitute Kamma.
Note: this is a different Narada than Narada Mulapatthana of Myanmar. Anyway far better to consult Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translation - A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma
The cittas that arise in a process do so in a fixed order and each have their own function. This is the process:
- atita-bhavanga (past bhavanga)
- bhavanga calana (vibrating bhavanga)
- bhavangupaccheda (arrest bhavanga, the last bhavanga arising before the object is experienced through the sense-door)
- five-sense-door-adverting-consciousness (pancadvaravajjana-citta), which is a kiriyacitta
- sense-cognition (dvi-pancavinnana, seeing-consciousness, etc.), which is vipakacitta
- receiving-consciousness (sampaticchana-citta), which is vipakacitta
- investigating-consciousness (santirana-citta) which is vipakacitta
- determining-consciousness (votthapana-citta) which is kiriyacitta
- javana-citta (“impulsion”, kusala citta or akusala citta in the case of non-arahats)
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- registering-consciousness (tadarammana-citta) which may or may not arise, and which is vipakacitta
- registering-consciousnes
Perhaps the author saw the word “determining” and decided that was a possible place to insert the imaginary self - or its proxy. Note that votthappana citta is a kiriya citta - not akusala or kusala.
Cittas arising in a process do so in a specific order - even the Buddha and arahats have the same order- while they perform their own function. In the Patthana there is proximity condition, anantara paccaya, showing that cittas are immediately succeeded by the next one. And , samanantara paccaya, meaning that cittas succeed one another in a fixed order .
Thus we see how the learning about processes of cittas shows the anattaness of each moment. Such a valuable teaching - but even that can be misinterpreted in a way that brings in a ‘manager’. So deep rooted is the view of self.