Conformist List: Need Help in Recommending Individuals Who Uphold Traditional Dhamma

Hello everyone,
Within the English-speaking community, Bhikkhus who represent the authentic interpretation of Buddha-Dhamma have become an extremely rare commodity, and now, we’re left scrambling to find a few who haven’t jumped on the latest trendy bandwagon, or who don’t have deviations that make them contradictory to the traditional Theravāda they claim to belong to.

Therefore, I wanted to inquire about suggestions from members here to create a small initial list (which we can expand later) of monks who can be relied upon in this regard. By this, I mean those whose materials—such as Dhamma talks and their writings (books, articles, etc.)—are trustworthy. As for video materials, I would appreciate suggestions for bhikkhus who speak English well (or whose pronunciation is at least understandable) and who teach according to orthodox teachings.

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Ajahn Punnadhammo does a pretty good job sticking to the texts and commentaries without distorting things into his own worldview.

Website here

Youtube channel here

Speaks perfect Canadian English. I wouldn’t say he’s “perfectly” in line with classical Theravada, but more so than any other Western teacher ive been able to find online.

Venerable Maggavihari at IIT.

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Sayadaw Kumarabhivamsa: (from pa-auk and has an Abhivamsa credential)
There is pretty much no higher you can get in pariyatti and kamaṭṭhāna (with the exception of memorizing the tipiṭaka word by word).

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What about ajhan Martin piyadhammo

Really? Why would he be on this orthodox list… ?
@RobertK , we need to edit these list posts and delete unworthy posts, so there are no corruptions.

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Sorry bhante I dont know in detail about forest monks …but as I see his video … those monks are veri serious about there practice and they focus on meditation…

No problem Mrunal,
those venerables are certainly serious and sincere. However, some of their ideas are well outside orthodox Theravada.
See this thread:Primordial citta

I think at this stage we can leave your post as it may be useful to let readers know about this.

As ven. Subhuti indicated it really does matter that we listen to the right teachings.
II. Dukanipāta

II. Adhikaraṇa Vagga
Monks, these two things conduce to the confusion and disappearance
of true Dhamma.
What two?
The wrong expression of the letter (of the text) and wrong interpretation of the meaning of it.
For if the letter be wrongly expressed,
the interpretation of the meaning is also wrong.

These two things conduce to the confusion and disappearance
of true Dhamma.
Monks, these two things
conduce to the establishment, the non-confusion, to the non-disappearance
of true Dhamma.

What two?
The right expression of the letter and right interpretation of the meaning.
For if the letter be rightly expressed, the interpretation of the meaning is also right.

These two things conduce to the establishment, the non-confusion,
to the non-disappearance of true Dhamma.’


I would like to praise both Venerable Bhikkhu Revata and Venerable Sayadaw U Janakābhivaṃsa. The first, his preceptor was the Most Venerable U Āciṇṇa Mahāthēra, and he is currently an assistant teacher of the Pa-Auk Sayadaw. the second has studied and practiced Samatha & Vipassanā meditation under the guidance of Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw and has been the Pa-Auk Meditation Centre teacher in Singapore since 2014.


Sayadaw U Vivekananda, Sayar Myat, Phra Ofer Adi