Hi, all. Namo Buddhaya.
Anyone practice all Cha anussati method here? Or just one of them?
How long you will do the anussati? From what I can understand,
(1) Buddhanussati
(2) Dhammanussati
(3) Sanghanussati
(4) Silanussati
(5) Caganussati
(6) Devatanussati
All cannot lead to Jhanas. Only to access concentration.
If let’s just say, I do Silanussati or Devatanussati for around 10mins to calm the mind down, then I switch my attention to another subject of meditation, say Ānāpānassati. Is that taught in classical Theravada tradition?
For the Cha anussati, are we supposed to practice throughout the day or just during/before proper meditation session?
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I think the power of Anussatis can not be measured merely by the maximum samadhi level it allows.
Nanu bhagavatā –
“Buddhoti kittayantassa, kāye bhavati yā pīti;
Varameva hi sā pīti, kasiṇenāpi jambudīpassa.
Dhammoti … Saṅghoti …”
(brahmajalasutta atthakatha)
I guess the brief meaning as follows:
Have not the Blessed One said that,
The Piti exists in the person who utters ‘Buddha’ is higher than the Kasina developed up to Jambudipa size. …
“Ye, bhikkhave, buddhe pasannā, agge te pasannā, agge kho pana pasannānaṃ aggo vipāko hotī” (itivuttaka)
The people pleased with the Buddha, pleased with the greatest.
And for the people pleased with the greatest, greatest results will be there.
Furthermore the Visuddhimagga says:
These six recollections succeed only in noble disciples. For the special
qualities of the Enlightened One, the Law, and the Community, are evident to
them; and they possess the virtue with the special qualities of untornness, etc.,
the generosity that is free from stain by avarice, and the special qualities of faith,
etc., similar to those of deities.
Still, though this is so, they can be brought to mind by an ordinary man
too, if he possesses the special qualities of purified virtue, and the rest. [228] For
when he is recollecting the special qualities of the Buddha, etc., even only
according to hearsay, his consciousness settles down, by virtue of which the
hindrances are suppressed. In his supreme gladness he initiates insight, and
he even attains to Arahantship, like the Elder Phussadeva who dwelt at
That venerable one, it seems, saw a figure of the Enlightened One created
by Mára. He thought, “How good this appears despite its having greed, hate
and delusion! What can the Blessed One’s goodness have been like? For he was
quite without greed, hate and delusion!” He acquired happiness with the Blessed
One as object, and by augmenting his insight he reached Arahantship.
With the modern emphasis of Vipassana and Jhana, some have been belittling the value of other recollections like Cha anussati, Asubha, Ahare patikkula sanna etc.
Even though the Insight and Jhanas dominate, the other kammatthanas own their due place, I think.
Thank you for the sharing. I really like anussati, especially Buddhanussati & Devatanussati.
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I think, in a way, at moments we are reflecting on the virtues of the Buddha or the clarity of the Dhamma then there is Buddhanusasati and Dhammanussati?
I think you are right, the moment we reflect on Buddha’s virtues or Dhamma’s quality, then it is Buddhanussati and Dhammanussati. But I think it could not get the access concentration if it is just for a short moment, if the mind wasn’t well trained previously…