In today’s world, where Dhamma is present and any information can be found related to Dhamma, one comes in contact with Dhamma and understands what the Five Precepts are. He understands and tries to follow them as much as possible. I don’t think for serious Dhamma followers keeping all five precepts is a hard job.
The problem only arises when there is no Dhamma in the world, no Buddha to tell you what is right and what is wrong. There are many religions, many sects, and cults, and some say this is right while others say that is wrong. In some cults, killing is allowed, stealing is allowed. If they don’t perform one kind of killing, they perform a different kind of killing (animals). Their occupation is professional, and for that, they break their precepts, thinking they are doing it for their occupation.
These are situations in this world where Dhamma is still present; obviously, not everyone listens to Dhamma or has the merit to listen and penetrate. They engage in wrong deeds thinking this is right, but actually, it is wrong view.
In this situation, the Sotapanna plays a key role. According to the Patthana, such and such conditions cannot happen in the case of a Sotapanna or higher person. The Buddha gives assurance that he cannot perform such bad deeds, or rather say he cannot be subjected to the situations that make him perform any bad deeds.
And that’s why the first condition to be a Sotapanna is to remove wrong view. Daily observing your wrong views and performing good deeds will be conditions for your Sotapanna citta to arise.
I have read some of your posts, and I understand. I will suggest starting to make donations every day and setting good aspirations. Things will start to change.
I was not able to control my anger at all, no matter how much I behaved well or meditated. There was always a situation that made me angry. Then I started donating every day and aspired to become beautiful in the next life. It increased my confidence that there will be good things in the future. Second, I aspired for my anger to be removed, and it worked. That daily donation citta makes me calm. Whenever I am angry, I think about donation and do it, making the wish that everyone becomes happy. There is still anger in me, lust in me, and wrong view, but I am not unhappy and stressed like I used to be.