Can animals create kusala?

In Abhidhammasangaha chapter IV, at the end it says that those born with rootless citta can
experience 8 great wholesome cittas.

"However, beings arisen in woeful planes, having a rootless rebirth consciousness,
experience only thirty-seven cittas: 12 unwholesome + 8 great wholesome + 15 rootless
resultants + 2 adverting. " - Compendium of the Cognitive Process, Guide to §26.

Does that mean that:

  1. Animals can potentially do good kamma?

  2. That animals (and others in apaya) can have cittas with wisdom (yet not have any wholesome roots)?

  3. Experience, at least sometimes, happy cittas (Somanassasahagataṁ) ?


Yes, bodhisattas still fulfill paramis and do good deeds even if they are reborn as animals
Also, there’s still video of an elephant offering food to monks.

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Yes they can potentially do good kamma as noted by @HappinessSeeker .

The patisandhi citta of an animal and hence all bhavanga cittas are without wholesome roots. It seems this doesn’t totally preclude during life cittas with some level of panna arising during the javana processes- although it would be slight and much less likely than with a human. Maybe only some special animals who have a great deal of accumulations from the past as we see with say the jatakas.

Some animals have many moments of pleasant feeling and happiness.


Thank you HappinessSeeker and RobertK for your replies!

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