Bāhuṁ sahassam-abhinimmita-sāvudhantaṁ
Grīmekhalaṁ udita-ghora-sasena-māraṁ
Dānādi-dhamma-vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-maṅgal’aggaṁ.
[Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-maṅgalāni.]
Creating a form with 1,000 arms, each equipped with a weapon,
Māra, on the elephant Girimekhala, uttered a frightening roar together with his troops.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of such qualities as generosity:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.
Mara asked him to move from his seat …and that was the ans of buddha that he had completed his parmi of donation…
I think that’s also the clue…
Donation can also help you , protect you from great loss, from people who try to steal, from situation which are hindrance in your life …