The Real Reason There Is Suttanta and EBT

Perhaps just to make some things easier to comment on, I might propose these terminologies to discuss different parts of EBT based on the following difference in their views.

  1. Deep or Lite Jhāna.
  2. Something or nothing after parinibbāna.

EBT Something Lite
EBT Nothing Lite
EBT Something Deep
EBT Nothing Deep.

EBT Nothing Deep is aligned with classical Theravada except in the detail above where they don’t recognize dry insight path is possible.

There’s various teachers for each sect of EBT there. And it’s easy to see that other than EBT Nothing Deep who just wish to refer the sutta as ultimate authority, the other 3 types of EBT uses this opportunity to break away from commentaries to champion their respective views as detailed above. Perhaps EBT Nothing Lite is one of the most ok one for underlying picture still aligns with dry insight practise of classical Theravada, but EBT Something are totally stuck with wrong views of Nibbāna.

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