I thought seeing that whatever has the nature to arise, has the nature to cease counts?
Perhaps this is one great case study, Ven. Aggacitta is EBT, Jhāna lite, and this is his reflection on comparison between classical theravada mode of attainment vs his EBT reflections. see page 92 for very clear conclusion that stream winners see nibbāna.
Having these six qualities the lay follower Sāragga is certain about the Realized One, sees freedom from death and lives having realized freedom from death.”
Imehi kho, bhikkhave, chahi dhammehi samannāgato sāraggo upāsako tathāgate niṭṭhaṅgato amataddaso amataṁ sacchikatvā iriyatī”ti.
amataddaso seems very clearly to mean see nibbāna. And these lay followers are not on arahant level.
Also SN12.68
“Reverend Saviṭṭha, apart from faith, endorsement, oral transmission, reasoned train of thought, or acceptance of a view after deliberation, I know and see that
“Aññatreva, āvuso paviṭṭha, saddhāya aññatra ruciyā aññatra anussavā aññatra ākāraparivitakkā aññatra diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā ahametaṁ jānāmi ahametaṁ passāmi:
the cessation of continued existence is extinguishment.”
‘bhavanirodho nibbānan’”ti.